Friday, November 14, 2008

It's Official!!!

Today Frank, the kids and I, went to the court house and I adopted the kids. It has been a long and frustrating process but it is now done. Today is actually National Adoption Day. In our county alone there were 35 adoptions. I have been so nervous for the last couple of days. I was afraid they would make me say something. And normally that might not have been so bad, but we were sharing our courtroom with a lot of other families. However I lucked out and only had to answer yes to a few questions. And they were really easy ones. I even got a little teary. Which the kids made fun of me for. To make it official Jacob got to bang the gavel for the judge. It was cute. Next stop, the Temple.
Since it was National Adoption Day, they had all kinds of things going on. They had crafts for the kids, balloons, cookies, candy and Ivars even provided free lunch. The fire department was there and they made the kids temporary firefighters. They were giving out goody bags full of fun stuff, fireman hats and even bike helmets. My parents and both of my sisters were there. Which I really appreciated.
We stopped at a restaurant afterwards. I'm pretty sure that is play dough on Jacobs fork. But with him you never know for sure. By the expression on his face I'm guessing it was not tasty. OK, he didn't actually eat any.
Time for a closeup. Does anyone else with boys have a hard time getting a serious picture?
Julie, here is a picture of me, courtesy of Jacob. Not very centered but I'm probably lucky I was even in the shot.


Julie J. said...

Yeaaaaaa! You look just like I remember you! Congratulations on your adoption. That must feel great. Be sure to blog about the temple with pics and everything. That will be so awesome.

KordelandHeather said...

I'm so happy for you! What temple? Mount Timp is nice and close to ME and Julie! Ha ha... it was nice seeing a picture of you too. Thanks so much for posting!

Becky said...

Congratulations on the adoption. I'm glad it went so well for you! You look like a very happy family. Jocaob is SO cute! I love the pictures of him! Congratulations on six years too! Sounded and looked like a nice get away. I like Johnnysaurus (sp?). And it was very nice seeing a picture of you. Beautiful!